Players will be on the edge of their seats fending off reptilians as well as other humans, often with simple, cobbled-together weapons. Dinosauric in scale and motifs, Studio Wildcard's Ark provides a sense of wonder and heart-pounding thrills that's rarely matched. Those into the more dangerous elements of Minecraft – ie roaming through the wilderness with few weapons and resources – should enjoy this far-flashier game. That said, if someone is yearning for a fresh experience, they should try some games similar to Minecraft. At this point, Mojang's project seems destined to extend indefinitely as new and old players eternally craft majestic works of art while occasionally surviving onslaughts. Updated by Mark Sammut: Firmly established as one of the most popular properties of all time, Minecraft casts a wide shadow over the gaming industry.

RELATED: Games With The Best Base Building Mechanics, Ranked What are some of the best games like Minecraft? While one can theoretically pour hundreds of hours into this massive digital playground of blocks, there will inevitably be those seeking similar content. Gamers have since been captivated by the expansive landscapes, rewarding building mechanics, and thrilling survival gameplay. This vast, open-ended experience has helped pave the way for a new era of open-world software and helped spur the rise of indie gaming at large. The blocky sandbox sensation known as Minecraftcame out of nowhere, launching into phenom status after starting with humble origins as an indie project by Markus "Notch" Persson.