A person tries to adapt both the advantages and disadvantages when he/ she shows interest in another person's symbol. Sun is a ruler and affects on status, personality, ego, and genuineness of a person.

People born with a single symbol are with some similar characteristics. Sun revolves around Zodiac sky throughout the year to complete its cycle. In India, people consider Moon Position symbols. These are star symbols which show the position of the Sun because the Sun is also a star. The symbol of the Sun is also called Zodiac symbol. Sun takes its position when a new baby is born.

Outer planets take more than seven years to complete one zodiac symbol cycle. In astrology, inner planets move faster than the outer planets. Each planet has a different meaning in a person's life. The astrological meaning of planetary position in kundliĬombination of planets, houses and zodiac symbols refers to a birth chart or natal chart. Rahu and Ketu position are mean planetary positions.Time can be adjusted only when it is applicable otherwise it must be accurate. Ascendant and Ayanamsa with their degree must also be present for the planetary position.According to the zodiac and houses, it will generate a minute and degree of planetary position.One should write the birth city and country, where a person is born the current location.If it is not accurate then it will show the wrong position of planets. You must have accurate information on the birth chart.Ayanamsa or precision is the main difference between these two longitudes. Its position is calculated with the help of two different methods i.e. It helps to find the purpose of the planet and its position affect an individual's life. Planetary positions today refer to current planet positions of Sidereal in astrology. Birthastro provides detailed information regarding this.

Further, they have 27 stars with 13.333 degrees each. Twelve Zodiac symbols having 30 degrees each concept is also used to find a planetary position. Rashi of a child or a person is determined according to the Moon position in India. The position of planets is calculated with the help of the Sun or Moon. The birth chart contains twelve squares having 12 zodiac symbols in each. Planetary Position refers to the period of the quantity and quality of time of an individual day, week, month and year according to his/her natal or birth chart. The following Planetary Position are shown for the date Planetary Position". Festivals पंचांग मासिक पंचांग Rahu Kalam Timings Hora Muharat Choghadiya Muharat Daily Planetary Positions Panchak Dates Gandamool Dates Timings Bhadra Dosh Calendar Planetary Position