Start CorelDRAW, and then open a new document.X6 and X7: Copy “CutStudioPlugIn.gms” and “CutStudioPlugIn.bmp” to the following folder.Program Files- Corel- CorelDRAW Graphics Suite #- Draw- GMS* “#” is “X6” or “X7,” which is the number of the CorelDRAW version that you are using.X8: Copy “CutStudioPlugIn.gms” and “CutStudioPlugIn.ico” to the following folder.Users- User name- AppData- Roaming- CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8DRAW- GMS* Open Folder Options (Windows 7)*1or File Explorer Options (Windows 8.1/10)*2 set Hidden files and foldersto Show hidden files, folders, and driveson the Viewtab and then click OK.*1 Select Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, then Folder Options.*2 Select Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, then File Explorer Options.Readme.txt (contains information such as the installation procedure).CutStudioPlugIn.ico (plugin icon image for X8).CutStudioPlugIn.bmp (plugin icon image for X6 and X7).In the decompressed folder “RSP-094_vxx_GR,” open the folder “CutStudio_CorelDraw_PlugIn_Win_Vxxx” (“xx” represents the version number).This folder contains the following files.

The integration between CutStudio and CorelDRAW gives you an unprecedented ability to make changes to your text objects, or any other objects placed in CutStudio. With CutStudio you will be able to create totally unique text styles from any objects that you have placed on the page. CutStudio for CorelDRAW X7 plugin is a new way to cut and paste in CorelDRAW X7.